Game Theory, 2000/01

Lesson 1: Basic issues

- What is Game Theory?
- Origins of Game Theory
- The main formal models
- Games in strategic form
- Interpretation and modeling via the strategic form. Towards a "solution"
- The single decision maker, and connections with games
- Comments on the general model used for single and multiple DM models
- Nash equilibrium as a solution: its justifications and related problems

Lesson 2: Nash equilibrium

- Representation of a game
- Nash equilibrium: definition and discussion of some difficulties
- Mixed extension of a finite game

Lesson 3: Existence of Nash equilibria

- Existence theorem for Nash equilibrium: version with preferences
- Existence theorem for Nash equilibrium: version with payoffs
- Glicksberg's existence theorem

Lesson 4: Subjective and correlated equilibria

- A couple of examples: matching pennies and the battle of the sexes
- Subjective equilibria
- Correlated equilibria: the easy part of the story
- Correlated equilibria
- Formal definition of correlated equilibria

Lesson 5: Common knowledge and agreeing to disagree

- Common knowledge: an example
- Connections with subjective equilibria
- Common knowledge
- Agreeing to disagree
- Correlated equilibria as expression of Bayesian rationality

Lesson 6: Games with incomplete information

- Games with incomplete information
- Bayesian Nash equilibrium
- Additional topics about games with incomplete information

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